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We are always accepting donations to help funds circulation of our texts and help expand our endeavors to further our mission of spreading the philosophical and spiritual components of Bushido.


If you would like to Donate, you can do so:


VIA PayPal at:


OR Donate to us by sending us used books on East Asian Philosophy, Theology and/or Martial Arts that we may sell at a low cost to make readily accessible to the general public

Our mission through Shinbushido-Kyo places a strong emphasis on education and seeks to make readily available classical theological and philosophical concepts through:

1) Widespread circulation of classical and modern East Asian Theological and Philosophical texts

2) Creating commentary on classical and modern East Asian texts

3) The creation of online education courses relating to Bushido ethics and thought

4) Supporting and promoting art and music related to martial arts, Asian thought and meditation practices

5) Offering tutoring services for those interested in learning more about classical East Asian philosophy

6) Organizing martial arts events and creating theological and philosophical discussion seminars

7) Publishing new books & materials laying out a cohesive picture of Shinbushido-Kyo's theological and philosophical concepts

With your help you can help contribute to our mission so that we may get official recognition and be able to begin our mission.

We already have a book in publication titled "Shinbushido-Kyo: The New Way of the Warrior Theology" available HERE 

We have begun making courses available to the public as well available HERE & HERE 

Please also feel free to visit our website for more information HERE 

Thank you all for your help and support, Osu!

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